Historic Duncan Advertisements
Real Estate 1910-1919
As part of our series on Historic Duncan Advertisements and Historic Duncan Advertisements – Real Estate here is a 1912 advertisement from Abbott & Sutherland, a now defunct Victoria realty company, for Cowichan Lake Gardens, a then new subdivision “on the South Arm of the Beautiful Cowichan Lake with the Robertson River running through the Estate.”

Note the descriptions of the property: “Best fishing”; “Ask any Victoria man about the hunting”; “the largest and most interesting lake in Vancouver Island”; “unsurpassed as a tourist resort and must become the most popular of western Canada”
Also note the prices: $5.500 to $6,250 for 20 acres of waterfront property.
Abbott & Sutherland was located in the Green Block, 1216 Broad Street in Victoria, This Heritage Building is still standing and is listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places.
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