Holmes Street is short street – only one block – leading off Cairnsmore Street. It features several homes built circa 1912 to 1920.

Here are some house on Holmes Street which we think will give you some idea of the neighbourhood.

Cairnsmore Street intersects….

1015 Holmes Street

1015 Holmes Street, Duncan, B.C.
1015 Holmes Street, Duncan, B.C.


1045 Holmes Street

1045 Holmes Street, Duncan, B.C.
1045 Holmes Street, Duncan, B.C.

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1081 Holmes Street

1081 Holmes Street, built circa 1915 for Matthias Kirkwood McMillan.
1081 Holmes Street, built circa 1915 for Matthias Kirkwood McMillan.

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At this point, the road turns on Street. Go one block to Islay Street.

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