Duncan Cenotaph – Charles Hoey Park
As part of our effort to document all the names on the Duncan Cenotaph in Charles Hoey Park, here is some information on Lt. Edward Wilfred Estridge, who was killed in action in France, near Ancre, at the Battle of the Somme, on 13 November 1916, aged 31. He is also commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.

Here are the local Cowichan Leader newspaper reports of Edward Wilfred Estridge’s death:
“Lieut. E.W. Estridge
It is almost certain that the “Lieut. Edward Estridge, aged 31 years, of the East Yorks.” who, in a cable of December 1st is reported killed, refers to Lieut. Edward Wilfred Estridge of that regiment. His home was at Abingdon, Berks, and with his brother, Mr. W.E.P. Estridge [note: William Edward Parry Estridge], he had lived at the Repton Poultry farm, Somenos for some months prior to the war. He enlisted with the 88th Regt. and went to England with the 30th Bn., thence transferring to a battalion of his elder brother’s regiment. For some time he was employed in England on instructional work. He was a grandson of Parry, the Arctic explorer. Among B.C. poultrymen he had established an enviable reputation. His death will be mourned by a wide circle in Cowichan.”
(Source: Cowichan Leader, 7 December 1916, from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)
“Lieut. E.W. Estridge
Conformation has now been received of the death of Lieut. E.W. Estridge. He fell on Monday, November 13th [1916], in the battle of the Ancre. He was leading his platoon into the German first line. Directly he jumped into the trench he was shot by a German, who immediately bolted down a steep dugout. All the men in this dugout were eventually killed or captured. His C.O. adds that “he was most popular with all the ranks and [was] a most efficient officer. He was always ready to do anything and [was] always cheery. His place will indeed be hard to fill.” Lieut. Estridge received his commission in the 3rd East Yorks Regt. in June 1915. He was quartered near Hull for the following year and became brigade bombing officer. In August last [1916] he joined the 12th East Yorks in France.”
(Source: Cowichan Leader, 14 December 1916, from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)
Additional Information About Edward Wilfred Estridge
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Thiepval Memorial (for a map, click here)
- Battle of the Somme
- Battle of the Ancre
- Ancre Battlefield
- Canadian Great War Project
- Hazelwood School War Memorial
- Trinity College, Oxford
- For more information on Edward Wilfred Estridge, please contact Simon Hunt
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